Friday, January 29, 2016

I had expected to learn about ethics and values in the clinical setting as well as in a research perspective in order to ensure that patients are receiving quality care. I learned that there are so many aspects to patient care. It is not just about dotting all the "i"s and crossing all the "t"s. I have worked with several different nurses. Some of them focus so much on all the 'house cleaning' efforts of nursing like making sure that the documentation meets the hospital requirements. I think that that is a wonderful perspective but it shouldn't be the only perspective. I have also worked with nurses who focus on patient care, which I love. That's where I learn the most. I can learn the checks and balances by making lists of the right items to document, but patient care has to be at the forefront of nursing.

I think that the assignments this week have just reinforced my desire to focus on the patient, their perspective, their concerns and worries, and their needs. I want to make sure that every thing I do is leading them to recovery, not to just get them discharged but to help them be able to function in the best possible way with the best outcome.

I will utilize the things I learned in this unit by apply them to daily care. Every day I work I make note of the things I think could have gone better. I remind myself that the next time I'm on the job, I will make sure to improve upon the last day worked. By doing this, I am focusing on quality care and the constant improvement of the quality of care I give to my patients.

I think that quality of care for patients is intertwined so neatly with ethical practice. If you are provide the best in care, you are taking into consideration any ethical concerns that may be associated with your patient and their care. I appreciate the material we covered this week. It helps me to prioritize my work and how I interact with those in my care. I love nursing and I love advocating and taking care of my patients. This week's material helped me to see that my focus is on continuing quality care safely and ethically.

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