Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Our topic this week is entitled "The Outcome Model of Quality". I expected to learn more about quality of care in the work force. I feel as though we are learning the same thing over and over but by removing a thin layer at a time. 
The Outcome Model of Quality focuses on the structure, process, and outcomes of quality improvement and quality care. It is the 'how to' behind learning to increase quality of care in the work place. Benchmarks are created and the quality of care is based on those benchmarks. The benchmarks are in line with what the standards are for the industry. They are somewhat averaged out to find a industry 'norm' and then the care for that facility is based off of meeting that benchmark. It is very similar to setting goals and striving to meet those goals but it is an elaborate goal set using the standards of industry.
As a nurse, I want more than anything to help my patient and improve their status. When I start on my shift I am always looking for ways to improve my patient's circumstances. It is tremendously helpful that the hospital in which I work sets their benchmarks high so as I follow the procedures in place, I am doing all I can to help my patient. At the same time, my individual benchmarks are in looking for ways to provide comfort and care, along with the medical side, to improve their stay and help them feel better on a different level. 
I really like anything to do with goal setting or setting a benchmark for improvement. I think if we don't set our heights high enough, we are never moving in the right direction to progress. We can become stagnant and in a constant state of existence, or worse yet, floundering. I think that health care organizations benchmarks should be high. People are going in for help and the industry needs to be ready to provide the best possible care, always looking forward to improvement and continuity. 

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