Friday, January 22, 2016

I learned from this used the basic structure of the competencies of QSEN that are listed above. I learned how to continue to apply them in nursing practice. I also learned how practical they are in all business, especially a business as elaborate as the healthcare industry.

My feelings about this week are mixed. There were presentations to watch like common causes and burn toast along with the funnel experiment. Those same presenters were on several youtube presentations. I honestly find it difficult to watch those presentations but I do like the concepts they teach. I prefered the presentation with the artist rendering of the topic. I know these topics have valuable information for nursing and quality improvement. I think I miss the classroom discussions and lectures (which totally surprises me).

I will continually use the material we are working on. My number one objective in patient’s care is to make sure I am giving the best care possible. The only way to do that is to continue to learn from all sources available to me. Without the information presented, I would have less knowledge base to pull from and therefore, would not be as effective a nurse for my patients.

The material covered is valuable. I think that there is a lot of critical thinking involved in these topics. It is not as simple and basic as it might seem. That is why the presentations given in the video presentations is so applicable. Critical thinking is really the key to apply the material that we are covering here. It is taking our understanding and deepening/broadening our perspective.

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