Wednesday, January 13, 2016

  • What do you consider elements of quality care when receiving healthcare services?
  • What do you consider elements of quality care as a professional nurse?
  • Are the two similar or different?

I consider quality care to include competent care. I expect my healthcare providers to be updated on policies and procedures of their facility as well as having access and utilizing evidenced based research in their departments. I expect their quality care to include personalizing that care to my needs as a patient. I expect to be updated and informed of my condition and the appropriate interventions that are to be done. I also would want to know that my care and personal circumstances are respected and proper privacy measures are in place. 

Elements of quality care as a professional nurse include: compassion, trustworthiness, procedural knowledge, patient advocacy, safe practices, ethical decision making, competent care, respect toward others.

The two are very similar. They should be intertwined but it is possible to have quality care without the fullness of professionalism. It takes personal effort and dedication to ensure that professional quality care is given to patients. 

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