Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Case Study Week #10 Telehealth Work Center


A newly hired registered Nurse (RN) is assigned to work at the telehealth work center.  The RN is monitoring the in coming data from home-bound (based) patients from around the county, checking to see if there are any situations which require nursing interventions and taking the appropriate actions. One (1) patient is a type II diabetic. He reports his fasting blood sugar level of 54. Another patient who has congestive heart failure (CHF) and regularly reports in on daily basis does not send in any information (data).

  • What is the best course of action for the RN to take regarding the diabetic patient?

    • Assessing for symptoms
    • Was any insulin administered prior to this result
    • Have patient eat 15-20 grams of glucose or simple carbs to increase blood glucose
    • Have him then recheck the blood sugar and provide updated information
    • Advise small snack if he isn't going to eat within the next couple of hours.  
    • What are normal parameters for this patient
    • Diet history
    • Follow up with diabetic education and nutrition information

  • How should the RN proceed regarding the lack of information from the CHF patient ?  
    • Contact the CHF patient
    • If can't reach patient, contact emergency contact person
    • Determine if this is an emergency situation or just a mistake in reporting from the patient
    • Follow protocol for facility if this is an emergency

Telehealth: The Future of Medicine


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